Going out

Going out

Metamorphosis for iconic Club NL

Club NL 058 med

Club NL has been a fixture for the fine fleur of Amsterdam's nightlife scene for years. The Nieuwezijds Lounge, once the first lounge club in the Netherlands, is a nightclub where it is party every day of the week. On the program you will find local DJ heroes throwing up their best records for the euphoric night animals. Upon entering, you immediately notice the long bar where the tastiest cocktails are shaken and stirred with the DJ booth and dance floor at the end of the bar. 

The iconic club has been housed on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal for 18 years. Time for a new look. Hospitality entrepreneur Casper Reinders cut his teeth on the interior without compromising on the sexy and recognizable character, The typical red color and burlesque-like character still prevail. "Behind the bar hangs a special cast iron ornament from the old club Roxy where owner Albert Papot stood at the door. It was completely blackened by the fire, but Appie managed to save it," said Casper Reinders.

In the new programming, the familiar deep house sound will continue to dominate. although the intention is for the programming to become more accessible with house classics as the common thread on Friday nights. "At Club NL, a quality sound should be the standard, with an emphasis on warm and sexy house, completely in line with the club's new look," Papot said.

Club NL
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 169, Amsterdam
In the neighbouhood

prinshendrikkade bynight


Amsterdam Center

The center of Amsterdam is a busy district close to the central train station, with lively bars and laid-back restaurants. Tourists of all nationalities watch street performers on Dam Square, near the 17th-century Royal Palace and the Gothic New Church. Shoppers can indulge at the stores...


Club NL
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 169, Amsterdam


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