Editor: The Editor - Publication: October 24, 2022



Terms and Conditions



Below you will find our general terms and conditions. If you have any questions or comments, you can always send an email to [email protected]

1. General Terms and Conditions Amsterdam Media B.V.

1.1.In these Terms of Delivery, the following definitions apply:
i) Customer: the natural or legal person who takes out a Subscription or orders an Item;
ii) Subscription: the agreement that extends to the periodic delivery of (one of) the products supplied by Amsterdam Media B.V. published magazine(s), including Hello Amsterdam and Amsterdam.
iii) Amsterdam Media B.V., Olympisch Stadion 24, 1076 DE Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce number 66560144, VAT number 856608221 B02.

1.2.Delivery conditions
i) All Subscriptions relating to the services provided by Amsterdam Media B.V. published magazines;

1.3. A Subscription includes (the delivery of) a service provided by Amsterdam Media B.V. issued magazine for the agreed term, in accordance with the specifications applicable to the relevant Subscription.

1.4. It is only possible to deviate from the provisions of these Terms and Conditions if this has been expressly agreed in writing; in that case, the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect.

1.5. Amsterdam Media B.V. is entitled, for whatever reason, to discontinue the publication of the magazine for which the Subscription has been entered into at any time. In that case, it is not obliged to carry out any further delivery after termination. In that case, the Customer is entitled to a refund of the prepaid subscription fee for the editions of the magazine concerned that have not been received.

1.6. In case of questions or complaints about the execution of a Subscription, the Customer can call customer service on 020 – 21 01 219 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm) or contact us via the online contact form.

The postal address of the customer service is:
Amsterdam Media B.V.
attn. customer service
Olympic Stadium 24
1076 DE Amsterdam

1.7. Amsterdam Media B.V. reserves the right to make changes to these Terms. The amended Terms and Conditions apply to all Subscriptions and agreements for the delivery of Items from the effective date. Therefore, check these Terms and Conditions regularly.

2. New Subscriptions

2.1 New Subscriptions can start at any time.

2.2 The Customer is only entitled to a discount if the Customer has not had a Subscription to the magazine in question in the past six months. If this is the case, the right to a discount lapses.

2.3 Amsterdam Media B.V. is not liable for any damage whatsoever as a result of exceeding the announced delivery times.

3. Right of withdrawal

3.1 The Customer has the option to:
In the case of a Subscription: within a period of 14 days after receipt of the first magazine (the withdrawal period) to withdraw from the agreement without stating reasons; or
The Customer can make use of the right of withdrawal by contacting customer service within the period referred to under 3.1 (for contact details, see Article 1.6) and thereby indicating that the Customer wishes to make use of its right of withdrawal. If the Customer proceeds to revoke, he will receive a confirmation by email or post.

3.2. If the Customer revokes a Subscription, the Customer must return the magazines already received within 14 days of the day on which the revocation was invoked to the address mentioned in article 1.7.

3.3. In the event that the Customer makes use of his right of withdrawal, he will receive the subscription fee or purchase amount already paid by it within 14 days, whereby Amsterdam Media B.V. reserves the right to withhold reimbursement until the magazine(s) have been returned or proof of return has been received.

4. Duration Subscription

4.1. A Subscription is entered into for the specified period of 1 or 2 years.

4.2 A Subscription is not automatically renewed.

4.3. A Subscription automatically expires after the specified period. The Customer does not have to do anything for this.

4.4. If the Customer wishes to extend the Subscription, this can be done using the form that is sent by e-mail in the last month of the Subscription.

5. Payment subscription fee and method of payment

5.1 Payment of the subscription fee must be made prior to each subscription period. When entering into the first Subscription, the Customer can choose between payment by iDeal, credit card and Paypal.
After renewal of the first Subscription, the Customer will receive a payment link with which payment can be made via iDeal, credit card and Paypal. The payment terms is 30 days.

5.2 In the event of late payment, among other things due to reversal of the debited amounts or due to an insufficient balance on the specified account, reminder costs will be charged. If payment of the Subscription has not been received even after a reminder, Amsterdam Media B.V. is entitled to terminate the Subscription unilaterally and with immediate effect as well as to claim any compensation and arrears.

5.3 Upon termination of the Subscription before the end of the term for which the Customer has paid the subscription fee, the Customer is entitled to a refund of the difference between the amount ultimately owed for the Subscription received (plus an amount of € 3.50 for administration – and processing costs related to the refund) and the amount already paid.

5.4 All subscription prices are in euros and include VAT.

5.5 Amsterdam Media B.V. reserves the right to change the subscription price. The new subscription price will take effect as of the next payment period. A change in the subscription price will be published in the colophon of the journal concerned no later than four weeks before it takes effect.

6. Delivery

6.1 The delivery of the magazines of Amsterdam Media B.V. takes place via Post NL. If a magazine has not arrived or has arrived damaged, the Customer can contact customer service about this (see article 1.6 for contact details).

6.2 In order to guarantee an undisturbed continuation of the delivery, changes of address must be reported to customer service no later than three weeks before the moving date (for contact details, see article 1.7).

7. Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation

7.1 Amsterdam Media B.V. respects the privacy of its Customers.

8. Complaints
The Customer must report complaints about a Subscription to customer service as soon as possible after it has arisen (see article 1.6 for contact details).

Amsterdam Media B.V. will handle the complaint and send a message to the Customer after two weeks at the latest. If no solution is reached, the Customer can use the ODR platform (Online Dispute Resolution) of the European Commission for extrajudicial mediation in the event of a dispute via http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

9. Liability

9.1. Amsterdam Media B.V. is only liable for damage suffered by the Customer if this damage is caused to Amsterdam Media B.V. is attributable or if this is at the risk of Amsterdam Media B.V. pursuant to statutory provisions. coming.

Amsterdam Media B.V. is not liable for any damage if it is caused by a shortcoming as a result of force majeure. Force majeure is present if the shortcoming is the result of outside the control of Amsterdam Media B.V. circumstances, including in any case: war or similar situations, terrorism, riot, sabotage, boycott, strike, occupation, blockade, illness of personnel of Amsterdam Media B.V., failure of suppliers and/or transporters of Amsterdam Media B.V., measures taken by the government (including a foreign government) such as a ban on transport, import or production, natural disasters, bad weather, lightning, fire, explosion and release of dangerous substances or gases. None of the above applies in the event of intent and/or gross negligence on the part of Amsterdam Media B.V.. The Customer must prove that there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Amsterdam Media B.V..

9.2 The Customer is not permitted to set off any alleged claim for compensation against any amount that the Customer owes Amsterdam Media B.V. is owed.

9.3 The Terms and Conditions, including subscription prices, are subject to obvious printing and typing errors.

10. Other provisions

10.1 If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. The invalid provision will then be replaced by a valid provision that corresponds as closely as possible to the intent of the invalid provision.

10.2 These Terms and Conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
These Terms come into effect on January 1, 2021.


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