

Le Fournil de Sébastien, the artisanal French bakery

Le Fournil de Sébastien in Amsterdam Zuid has been known for years as one of the few real French bakeries in Amsterdam. This is the place to go for freshly baked breads, richly filled baguettes and what many refer to as the best baguette in town.


In 2007, French baker Sébastien moved from France to the Netherlands with his Dutch wife and two children. With Le Fournil de Sébastien (Sébastien's bakery), they bring the boulangerie pâtisserie they know so well to Amsterdam. The breads are baked in a stone-floor oven according to an old family recipe, giving them a delicious crispy crust with a soft flavorful interior. In addition to breads, baguettes and sandwiches, you can also expect lots of sweets here, of course. Macarons, madeleines, canelés and a large assortment of cakes, including a delicious Tarte au Citron. By now it is impossible to imagine Amsterdam Zuid without them and they are known for their delicious croissants and baguettes, which many refer to as the best in town.

 Susan: "We will never become a large chain with many branches. We think quality is very important, and in order to guarantee it you should not become too big. We also only produce for our own stores, and do not supply to the catering industry etc. . Staying small is a choice we make consciously."

All products are made in-house, using no semi-finished products or artificial additives. You can look inside from the store and from the street for a sneak peak of the production process. Of course, the recipes will remain secret and hopefully be passed on to the children.


Sébastien: "I want to remain artisanal. Lots of handwork, few machines. Okay, it's more work, more hours, but it only benefits the quality of the product. As they say with us: zero pain sans peine!"

Opening hours

Even the opening hours at Le Fournil de Sébastien are French-style. You can go there Monday to Sunday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Le Fournil de Sébastien
Olympiaplein 119, Amsterdam
In the neighbouhood


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Le Fournil de Sébastien
Olympiaplein 119, Amsterdam

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