Going out

Going out

Amsterdam Coffee Festival at the Gashouder

Liefhebbers van koffie opgelet! In het weekend van 2 t/m 5 april drinken we met z’n allen koffie tijdens een nieuwe ronde Amsterdam Coffee Festival in de Gashouder op het Westergasterrein.


The Amsterdam Coffee Festival is all about coffee and everything that goes into serving a good cup of comfort. From all over Europe, coffee bars, coffee brands, baristas and coffee lovers come together to talk coffee for a weekend.

Discover the latest trends, taste artisanal made coffee and gourmet food, witness demonstrations by world-class baristas, participate in interactive workshops, meet the best coffee bars and coffee roasters, and see Europe's best barista crowned.

The Amsterdam Coffee Festival is the unmissable event for coffee connoisseurs, foodies, contributors to the coffee scene and others interested in coffee.


WESTERGAS - The Other District
Pazzanistraat 33, Amsterdam
– 2 t/m 5 April
In the neighbouhood



Amsterdam West

Not so long ago, this neighborhood was one of the "lesser" neighborhoods of the city. But those days are over! In recent years, this part of the city has developed into a young and trendy neighborhood full of interesting sights, stores and restaurants. It is a popular...


Westergas - The Other District, new name Westergasfabriek

Westergasfabriek changes name and course

De nieuwe koers zal focussen op het verrassend samenbrengen van verschillende vormen van cultuur binnen de 17 historische panden van het Westergasfabriekterrein. De nieuwe eigenaren, te weten Duncan & Lisca Stutterheim, Foppe Eshuis en Lennart Rottier, zijn op zoek gegaan naar wat verbindt, inspireert en energie geeft. Met als doel het grondvesten van een nieuwe …

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WESTERGAS - The Other District
Pazzanistraat 33, Amsterdam
2 t/m 5 April

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